some photos

This one's for you, tiff.

The naked cowboy in times square. I'm working on getting a frontal pic for the ladies. ow!

Kathy, in the blue, was the mom of the bunch. She was a hoot.

Some kid jumped the fence in left field and ran across the field - he made it all the way to right field before he was tackled by overweight security guys. good shit.

Joey, part of the family from the Bronx. He saw me picking up cups to bring home (hey, I still refuse to buy kitchenware) and offered to give me $20 to buy some at Kmart. I refused due to my good manners. Seriously though, this family was great.

I find it really ironic that they have to put the lyrics to God Bless America on the screen, but not Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

Kristen and I leaving the game.

Kristen, Me Vanessa at the Beauty Bar a block down from my dorm. Happy hour is from 4 - 9 and you can ge a manicure and drink for $10. The nail paitning sucks but a hand massage is always welcome.

The Chicago Tribune ran this photo on their front page a few years back. Good advertisment. [times square, a few blocks south of my office]
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