Monday, September 24, 2007

arsonist loose in the slope.

nothing brings a neighborhood together like a fire. especially when its garbage that was purposely set on fire and pushed into a parked park. and it's the third one. on three consecutive garbage nights.

earlier today, i noticed a charred suburu outback parked on the street a few houses down, on the other side. i asked the neighbor who lives there what happened. she wasnt' very friendly.

me: excuse me, do you know what happened with that car
her: yes
me: do you mind telling me?
her: the garbage caught on fire and caught the car on fire.
passer-by: yeah, there's another one down the street.
her: yeah, we know.
me: was it arson?
her: no. [annoyed with nosy questions from the young new kid on the block] it was just a fire.

so fast-forward to about 12:15. usually at this time, i'm on my computer, which is on my desk right next to the window overlooking the street. tonight, because i had my laptop in the living room to watch the bears, i was working on my bed. i heard the words "call 911" but thought it was just the gay guys next door who constantly fight and have called the cops one another on at least one occasion. then i smelled a bonfire, and i looked out the window. our garbage was flaming and had been pushed against the driver's door of a hatchback out front. i screamed to get my roommates up because i was worried the car was going to blow up -- there were about four bags of trash ready to go catch. one roommate slept through it, but the other called 911 while i looked for something to put the fire out with.

we realized we don't have a fire extinguisher. we will be making a trip to the hardware store first thing tomorrow.

while i was trying to fill the recycling bin with water (and realizing how painfully long it was taking. we'd be fucked if there ever was a fire), a neighbor came out with an extinguisher and put it out. the firetruck arrived a few minutes later.

the lady from earlier was out -- i think she likes to consider herself head of the neighborhood watch -- as were a few other neighbors. they think a local homeless guy is responsible. there have been two other garbage/car fires on the block, all on the past three garbage nights. from what i was told, he's been living in an alley around the corner for the last four years and the owner of the building kicked him out -- it was the super who was letting him stay there. apparently, he's not too happy about the recent gentrification of the neighborhood that caused him to loose his home, so he's been setting cars on fire.

right now, the cops are outside and a few neighbors are still lingering. i just heard her ask "so you'll be making extra rounds around her tonight." after a little back and forth, i heard him say "don't call the deps. they won't get here for two, three hours. that's what 311s for. just call 311, say "suspicious male" and hang up." makes you feel real safe, huh? well in that sense, there's no doubt burning trash and cars is a lot less unsettling than drivebys and rapists. i guess that's why im in park slope, and not in harlem.

after the fireman came, made sure the fire was good and out, they just left the mess there for the residents to clean up. i thought that was kinda weird -- doesnt it seem like the fire department should also clean up the mess, since it's on public property. the city can fine us if our garbage is out before 5 pm, but ... i guess it's not their responsibility, but it just seems weird to me.

of all the nights for me to not work at my desk ... there's no way i would have missed it if i hadn't been on my bed. i'm like jimmy stewart when im sitting here -- staring out the window is a lot easier than writing sometimes. but yes, the journalist in my grabbed my camera as kristin called 911. in my mind, i was thinking "ok, if this is arson, maybe the way the bags are burning in this still will be a clue!" i'm a product of a generation obsessed with youtube and law and order reruns.

half of me wants to stay up, turn off my light and stare out the window to see if the perp comes back. if he's as nutso as the neighbors say he his, im sure he'll ride by (he gets around on a bike) sooner or later. the cop said he doesn't doubt that he'll light another one tonight, to which neighborhoodlady replied: "no, that doesn't fit his pattern. one a night." but considering i have to be at work--and be bright and chipper!-- by 9am, i dont think that's the best idea. check out my security-cam style photos below. forgive the quality -- i had to up the exposure and brightness to get any details.


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